Unlike other religions, Islam is not named after a person, a place or a specific group of people. What does the word ISLAM mean in Arabic?

In their 5 daily prayers, Muslims pray at specific times and face a specific direction. They actually face the Ka'bah that according to The Quran was rebuilt by prophet Abraham peace be upon him. Which city is the Ka'bah in?

Who is the only woman that is mentioned by name in the Quran? There is a whole chapter in the Quran that's named after her.

Muslims who are physically and financially able should perform pilgrimage once in their life time. Every year, more than 3 million Muslims gather in the same place at the same time in a festival of equality. Where do Muslims go to for pilgrimage?

Muslims believe that God is one and only who created us and the whole universe. God has no beginning or end. God has no father or son. God has no gender, not a he or a she. How do Muslims imagine God?

One day every week, Muslims have to attend the prayer together in big groups in the mosques. What is that day that is considered to be a blessed day by Muslims?

Muslims believe that The Quran we have today is word by word the same Quran that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him from God 1400 years ago. There are millions of Muslims who memorize the Quran today by heart. What is the name of the angel who was responsible to deliver the Quran to Muhammad peace be upon him?

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